ACTS (Active Compassion Through Service)
ACTS (Active Compassion Through Service) is a program of Tenth Presbyterian Church. The program gives the following descriptive information:
ACTS, an acronym for Active Compassion through Service, is Tenth’s compassion ministry coordinated and staffed by more than 200 volunteers. We serve the following populations:
- Homeless and addicted
- Poor
- Incarcerated youth
- Single parents
- Separated/Divorced
- Nursing home residents
- Incarcerated men and women
- Adults and children with special needs
Many churches struggle to reach or welcome individuals from these populations. ACTS seeks to make Tenth a safe place for all to enter, learn about salvation in Christ, worship him, and be loved.
Mission: ACTS has many outreach ministries that equip and prepare Christians for compassion ministry at Tenth and elsewhere. Our ministries involve evangelism, hospitality, fellowship, and community development and seek to show the love of Christ and his power to transform lives.
Vision: ACTS was founded in 1983 out of concern for the poor and homeless residing near Tenth. ACTS presents the gospel of Jesus and his power to make broken people whole while serving the needs of individuals and families in our community and church by employing the time, witness, talents, and resources the Lord has given his Church.
ACTS is an acronym of the following words, each representing a characteristic of the ministry:
- Active— James 2:14 states, “Faith without works is dead.”...
- Compassion—In love, God draws us to himself. God showed us compassion in a tangible way before we were even interested in him (Roman 5:6). ...
- Through—God has given the body of believers at Tenth Presbyterian Church (and other local churches) gifts, talents, and resources. ACTS harnesses these resources so we can reach out to our community with mercy and compassion.
- Service—The needs in the Philadelphia urban area are great. What better way to respond to God’s gift of love than by giving time, energy, and ourselves in service?
- ACTS’ primary objective is total transformation of individuals in the name of Jesus. We seek to be a prophetic witness of Christ’s love to those who suffer from physical, social, emotional, and spiritual poverty.
- ACTS serves the church by equipping the saints for ministry and discipleship. ACTS volunteer staff is taught how to be involved, how to establish relationships, and how to offer hope through various ministry opportunities.
- ACTS is the Church reaching out, involved, establishing relationships, and giving hope in the name of Jesus. Our outreach is to the lost and hurting in our community and our church and is conducted entirely by volunteers.
- ACTS is a resource for all churches that have a vision for compassion ministry. We equip and teach church members to serve the poor and other populations and to serve in a wiser, more effective manner.
- Volunteer: Mercy: Volunteer
- Is-Social Service (150)
- Issue-Community (253)
- Issue-Housing (155)
- Issue-Poverty (46)
- Serves-Addicts (15)
- Serves-Children With Disabilities (19)
- Serves-Families of the Incarcerated (7)
- Serves-Homeless (58)
- Serves-Incarcerated Youth (5)
- Serves-Low Income People (54)
- Serves-Nursing Home Residents (3)
- Serves-Prisoners (14)
- Using-Volunteers (369)
- Where-Rittenhouse Square (13)