Northeast NORC
Northeast NORC (Naturally Occurring Retirement Community) gives the following descriptive information:
Most of Greater Philadelphia’s older adults want to continue living independently in the homes and neighborhoods where they have spent the past 30, 40 or 50+ years. Often it’s the “little things” – such as not being able to change a light bulb or not having a reliable ride to the grocery store – that make it difficult or impossible for older adults to remain living safely and with dignity in the home filled with their cherished memories.
In partnership with Catholic Health Care Services and partially funded by Pew Charitable Trust, Jewish Federation’s Northeast NORC (Naturally Occurring Retirement Community) enables older adults, both Jewish and non-Jewish, in the 19111, 19114, 19115, 19116, 19149 and 19152 ZIP codes to receive the support they need to live, and ideally thrive, in their Northeast Philadelphia homes while staying connected to the community.
Services include:
- Basic home repairs and maintenance, often for free.
- Van rides to appointments and shopping.
- Home assessments and modifications.
- Referrals to other agencies.
- Case worker services.
- Monthly Lunch & Learns.