Save Smith School Committee
As of February 2022, the main URL above hasn't been updated in over three years. Unless we hear otherwise, we assume that the following information is history:
The Save Smith School Committee is asking neighbors, friends and others with a vested interest in Point Breeze to sign the petition to SAVE SMITH SCHOOL (19th and Wharton).
Walter George Smith School is located in the Point Breeze neighborhood at 19th and Wharton Streets. It is currently part of a building package to be sold to the Concordia Group. Concordia would like to use the land primarily for market-rate housing.
In May 2013, the SRC voted to close Smith school, and the School District later entered into an agreement of sale with Concordia. On May 29, 2015 the Court of Common Pleas ruled that the School District of Philadelphia did not complete the sale of Smith School in accordance with 24 PS Section 7-707(3) which requires approval by the Court of Common Pleas. The School District is currently appealing the decision. The Smith School building has remained vacant since its closure over three years ago.
The residents of Point Breeze have united and decided that we want Smith School to remain a school to educate the current and future children of the neighborhood. Therefore, we have three requests:
- We would like the School District drop their appeal.
- We would like Smith School removed from the list of properties to be sold to Concordia.
- We would like to begin to working with the SRC, School District of Philadelphia, and Mayor Kenney’s office to create a community school in the Smith School building.
- Petition: Re-open Smith School as a Public School!
In The News
- S.R.C., Change Smith School Ruling, Philadelphia Record, May 19, 2017.