Alternative Currencies Resource Page
Alternative Currencies (barter and time exchanges)
Timebanks are systems that allow people to obtain & offer services without using cash. Learn more about them at the links below. These services offer the ability to keep track of the value of the services that are exchanged. (the world's largest timebank)
Paul Glover's How-To page on starting an alternative currency
Hometown Money: How to Enrich Your Community with Local Currency
Jem Bendell - The Money Myth (video)
overview of information on local currencies
Author of "The Future of Money," see Bernard Lietaer's Web site.
Greeks Resort to Bartering (Article in the Guardian, 1/2/2013)
Philadelphia area timebanks are listed here: Is-Timebank
- About-Abundance (11)
- About-Alternative Currencies (3)
- About-Asset-Based Community Development (3)
- About-Citizen Involvement (8)
- About-Community Development (10)
- About-Cooperation (27)
- About-Economic Power (6)
- About-Economics (16)
- About-Money (32)
- About-Moral Economics (5)
- About-Mutual Aid (8)
- About-Peer-To-Peer (4)
- About-Societal Organization (4)
- About-Trust (1)
- Is-Idea Page (39)
- Is-Resource Page (174)
- Is-Wikidelphia Resource Page (37)
- Issue-Alternative Currencies (1)
- Issue-Economics (37)
- Issue-Money (60)