Broke in Philly

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Collaborative Reporting on Economic Mobility

Broke in Philly is a collaborative initiative among 19 local news organizations to provide in-depth, nuanced and solutions-oriented reporting on the issues of poverty and the push for economic justice in Philadelphia.

This effort is led by Resolve Philly, a new hub for the city’s general interest, community and ethnic news organizations to produce collaborative solutions reporting and community engagement activities that address urgent social challenges.

Note:  The above descriptive information came from the organization's Who We Are page.


Al Día * Billy Penn * City & State PA * ecoWURD * FunTimes * Generocity * Green Philly * La Kalle Philly * Kensington Voice * Klein College of Media and Communication * Metro Philadelphia * Muhlenberg College * NBC10 * Next City * One Step Away * Para Ti Mujer Con Emma Restrepo * The Philadelphia Citizen * Philadelphia Gay News * Philadelphia Inquirer * Philadelphia Magazine * The Philadelphia Public School Notebook * The Philadelphia Tribune * Philatinos Radio * PhillyCAM * Philadelphia Weekly (PW) * PlanPhilly * * Telemundo 62 * WURD Radio * WHYY


See Also