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Fairhill. is a North Philadelphia neighborhood bounded on the north by the AMTRAK tracks behind West Glenwood Avenue and East Venango Street, on the east by B Street, on the south by East and West Lehigh Avenue, and on the west by North 11th Street.

Alternate Description: The Philadelphia Citizen describes Fairhill this way: "Fairhill, an area of North Philly roughly bordered by Lehigh and Allegheny avenues, 5th Street and Germantown Avenue".

Adjoining Neighborhoods

Fairhill is adjoined on the north by Juniata Park/Feltonville, on the east by Kensington, on the south by West Kensington, and on the west by Glenwood.

Map Link

Pages in category "Where-Fairhill"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.