Category:Where-Hunting Park

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Revision as of 17:54, 16 December 2021 by PaulSank (talk | contribs) (Adjoining Neighborhoods section added)
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Hunting Park is a North Philadelphia neighborhood. It is bounded on the north by West Roosevelt Boulevard (U.S. Route 13) and Wyoming Avenue, on the east by North Front Street, on the south by West Erie Avenue, and on the west by Old York Road and Germantown Avenue.

Alternate Description: The Hunting Park Neighborhood Advisory Committee describes it this way: "The service delivery or target area is bounded by Wingohocking Street (North), Sedgley Avenue (South), Broad Street (East and 5th Street (East). Hunting Park Neighborhood Advisory Committee (HPNAC) serves the entire diversified community of the Hunting Park community, as well as resident outside of the service area."

Adjoining Neighborhoods

Hunting Park is adjoined on the north by Olney, on the east by Feltonville, on the south by

Map Links

Pages in category "Where-Hunting Park"

The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.