Friends Neighborhood Guild (Is-Past)
Revision as of 17:13, 4 March 2024 by PaulSank (talk | contribs) (PaulSank moved page Friends Neighborhood Guild to Friends Neighborhood Guild (Is-Past) without leaving a redirect: to complete page conversion to Is-Past)
No Current URL
We looked to update this page in March 2024 and found that the main URL had not been updated in twelve years. Seeking a replacement, we found none. So unless somebody lets us know otherwise, we assume that the following information is history:
Friends Neighborhood Guild gives the following descriptive information:
The Friends Neighborhood (the Guild) was founded in 1879 and is a settlement house and neighborhood center. It exists to serve and respond to the needs of the people in its community, particularly those people who are less able to help themselves.
See Also
- Philadelphia Encyclopedia: Friends Neighborhood Guild
- Friends Housing Cooperative:
- Tenets of Quakerism
- Is-Community Development Corporation (31)
- Is-Nonprofit Organization (793)
- Is-Past (180)
- Is-Social Service (150)
- Issue-Affordable Housing (36)
- Issue-Economic Development (82)
- Issue-Housing (155)
- Issue-Low Income Housing (19)
- Issue-Sustainable Housing (15)
- Issue-Youth Development (72)
- Serves-Children and Families (50)
- Serves-Families (55)
- Serves-Women and Families (15)
- Where-North Philadelphia (82)