Holocaust Awareness Museum and Education Center (HAMEC)

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A handmade sign at the Holocaust Awareness Museum and Education Center.

Preserving History To Learn From The Past

Using the resources of the museum, our mission is to educate Delaware Valley students and adults, personalizing the Holocaust so that they learn the consequences of racism, ethnic cleansing, and intolerance. The Holocaust was a watershed event, not only in the 20th century, but in the entire history of humanity. The study of the Holocaust provides us with one of the most effective ways to work with students to examine basic moral issues and value systems. What are the lessons of the Holocaust for us today?

Students need to know and understand that:

  • The Holocaust was no accident.
  • Millions of non-Jews were murdered by the Nazis.
  • Prejudice, bigotry, and racism are social poisons that erode the fabric of a democratic society.
  • Silence, apathy, and indifference are the enemies of a pluralistic democracy.

Note:  The above descriptive information came from the museum's About Us page.

In The News
