Joseph Fox Bookshop (Is-Past)

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Revision as of 14:15, 11 April 2024 by PaulSank (talk | contribs) (PaulSank moved page Joseph Fox Bookshop to Joseph Fox Bookshop (Is-Past) without leaving a redirect: to complete page conversion to Is-Past)
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No Current URL

In April 2024, we looked to update this page, and the website was inactive. A search for a replacement URL turned up a news article that said this business was closing in 2022. Therefore, we assume that the following information is history:

Old URL:

Established in 1951, Joseph Fox Bookshop is a general independent bookstore in the Rittenhouse Square area of downtown Philadelphia with a choice selection of new literature, non-fiction, art, architecture, design, music, poetry and books for children. Our knowledgeable staff can help you find the right book for the right person and if we don’t have the book you need we are happy to take a special order – it will often arrive the next day. We look forward to seeing you in the store!