Next City

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Solutions for Liberated Cities

Next City is a nonprofit news organization that believes journalists have the power to amplify solutions and spread workable ideas from one city to the next city. Our mission is to inspire greater economic, environmental, and social justice in cities.

Next City’s journalism centers marginalized voices while amplifying solutions to the problems that oppress people in cities. At a time when cities face rampant inequality and urgent challenges, Next City’s work as a nonprofit is critical: by spreading real stories and workable ideas from one city to the next, we connect people, places and solutions that move our society toward justice and equity.

Next City’s readers are the city-builders who share our vision for the transformation of cities. Our core audience consists of individuals working in city planning, finance, architecture, media, academia, transportation, the arts — or within any sector that must collaborate to make cities run more equitably. These are the thinkers and doers who often wear many hats in their communities. This dynamic group uses Next City as a trusted resource for professional education and exploration. The extended audience consists of the people who are part of the change process in cities: grassroots organizers, activists, advocates, elected officials, local business and nonprofit leaders, and voters.

Next City's service to a movement for racial equity and justice is evident in every facet of our work. Any news outlet, though, is only as impactful as its readers. The 2020 reader survey found that 75% rely on Next City for their jobs. When asked whether their job brings about greater racial equity, almost 90% say yes. Even so, as civic leaders of color look around their professions, they might feel like one voice among the many. Next City adds our bullhorn to theirs every day.

Note:  The above descriptive information came from the organization's About Next City page.


See Also