Olney Neighbors Empowered
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Olney Neighbors Empowered: [ONE CDC] For Effective City Services!
Olney Neighbors Empowered is a Youth and Community Engagement Project of ONE Feltonville CCDC and part of a Church plant/"Chapel" in Olney, near Olney Charter High School and Elementary School. Begun in earnest in August 2017. ONE year later, recognized/certified as a Registered Community Organization (RCO) for Zoning and Civic Design processes, by the Philadelphia City Planning Commission. [With #ONEFeltonville, representing neighbors in parts of City Council Districts 7, 8, and 9, and parts of the 42nd Ward, 19120 Zip Code]. Like the ONE Feltonville page http://facebook.com/pg/ONE.Feltonville
Information about us: (ONE CDC), as of August 2018, (RCO)
Main Page: a ccda.org Member serving Philadelphia Related: http://ccda.org
A Community Development, and Engagement effort of http://facebook.com/pg/ONEChurchDOCOlneyPhiladelphia
[ONE Church is affiliated with the Christian Church - Disciples of Christ http://Disciples.org "Home Missions"; Church Planting and Environmental/"Green" efforts via http://GreenChalice.org ].
OlneyNeighborsEmpowered; Neighbors; Community; Youth; ONEYouth; ONEYouthAmbassadors; Church; Community Development;
Group(s) and Page(s) Facilitated By:
Brother Michael Blackie, OSL (The Order of St. Luke) Chaplain, Organizer/Facilitator ONE.Feltonville@Gmail.com
Frequent Contributing Writer, Juniata News; Blog: http://TTPx2.blogspot.com FB: http://facebook.com/Mencken1
Tweets @GoWestYoungMan1 #ONEFeltonville #OlneyNeighborsEmpowered #ONECDC