Philadelphia Ethical Society

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What is the Ethical Culture Movement?

The Ethical Culture Movement was founded in 1876 by Felix Adler. Our Movement established the country's first Settlement Houses and the Visiting Nurses Association. We helped initiate free legal aid for the poor and served as a sanctuary to European refugees during World War II. The Ethical Society of Philadelphia was founded in 1885 and was, in turn, a founding member of our national organization, the American Ethical Union. With chapters from Boston to Los Angeles, our guiding principle remains the primacy o f ethics in daily life.

What do Ethical Humanists believe?

Ethical Humanists believe in the dignity and worth of each person. Each person is unique and can foster uniqueness in others.

Humankind is a part of nature. By paying respect to all that surrounds us, we create the feelings that are called religious, sacred and holy. We understand that the welfare of the natural community depends upon responsible human effort.

Ethical Humanists have faith in the transformation of the human condition through personal and community effort. We believe that a good person is a person learning to become more sensitive to the joy and suffering of others. Members join together in the struggle for social reform, a healthy environment, and peaceful world.

Is the Ethical Society a religion?

Yes, but without formal ritual or creed. We are religious in character and style.