Philadelphia Reads

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Two teams compete in the Philadelphia Reading Olympics, assisted by Philadelphia Reads volunteer moderators.

Raising a City of Readers!

The mission of Philadelphia READS is to provide access to books and community programs to foster a love of reading and increase literacy in Philadelphia.

Philadelphia READS was founded in 1997 as an independent initiative of Mayor Rendell's office under the leadership of literacy guru Marcienne Mattleman. While our programs have evolved over the years, the one thing that has remained constant, is that we continue to ensure is that Philadelphia is raising a city of readers.

How we serve:

  • We provide new and gently used books to children and families, teachers, schools, and other nonprofit partners.
  • We offer literacy and support programs for children and families across the city.
  • We generate excitement and a love for reading by engaging children and partnering with families, volunteers, schools, faith-based organizations, corporations, nonprofits, government, and the entire community!

Note:  The above descriptive information came from the organization's About page.​

In The News


See Also