Uhuru Furniture and Collectibles

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Driven by African Self-Determination

Uhuru Furniture and Collectibles is a project of the African People's Education and Defense Fund (APEDF). APEDF strives to develop and institutionalize programs to defend the human and civil rights of the African community, and to address the grave disparities in education, health, health care and economic development in the African community.

For over 20 years, we have collected furniture donations from community supporters like you and put them up for sale at our storefront location at 1220 Spruce St. In 2014 we relocated to a remarkable spot at 832 North Broad St. It's a lot more space with the same quality and convenience!

Uhuru Furniture represents the sector of Philadelphia that wants to see genuine change and support sustainable economic development by and for the African community. Supporters contribute to this work by donating furniture, shopping and volunteering. Uhuru Furniture is different than a charity thrift store - 100% of our profits benefit APEDF!

Uhuru Furniture relies on supporters like you to spread the word! Please send this blog to your friends, families and networks and tell people about our free furniture donation pick-up.

Note:  The above descriptive information came from the program's About page.

In The News


See Also