5th Square
Better Transportation, Land Use and Public Space for the People
5th Square is Philly's urbanist political action committee. We formed in 2014 to support candidates for local elected office who are committed to policy change in the areas of transportation, land use, and public space, and to advance a vision for a more accessible, sustainable, equitable Philadelphia for all residents.
During campaign season, we rate candidates for local and state office based on their voting records, campaign positions, and support for urbanist policy goals. We then endorse, fund, and provide volunteer support for the very best candidates. Between elections, we engage in issue advocacy and rapid response to legislation, and provide political support to other urbanist advocates and organizations.
Note: The above descriptive information came from the organization's home page.
In The News
- Petition calls for free public transit on Election Day, Philly Voice, October 3, 2018.
- Does-Newsletter Via Email (129)
- Does-Rate Candidates (1)
- Is-Advocacy Organization (498)
- Is-Political Action Committee (1)
- Is-Political Action Committee (PAC) (1)
- Is-Public Space (8)
- Issue-City Government (18)
- Issue-Housing (155)
- Issue-Land Use (15)
- Issue-Planning (5)
- Issue-Politics (22)
- Issue-Public Policy (9)
- Issue-Public Transportation (6)
- Issue-Transportation (15)
- Using-Volunteers (367)