ACHIEVEability gives the following descriptive information:
Since 1981, ACHIEVEability has been breaking the cycle of poverty by helping low-income, single parent and homeless families to achieve self-sufficiency. We believe that housing is a necessary first step to ending poverty, and we develop our own program housing to help stabilize families. We know that in order to truly achieve permanent self-sufficiency and financial freedom, education is the key. Everything we do at ACHIEVEability is geared to helping our participants succeed and reach the goals they set for themselves and their families through our Family Self-Sufficiency Program.
We encourage all of our parents to work at least 30 hours per week and to complete at least 5 classes per year toward a post-secondary degree or its equivalent. ACHIEVEability's Family Self-Sufficiency Program is a rigorous program and the 19 parents who celebrated their graduation last year can tell you it is worth it.
ACHIEVEability is a leader in developing and managing affordable housing in Philadelphia. We provide housing to families in our Family Self-Sufficiency Program as a first step toward their journeys to self-sufficiency. Our housing provides families the stability they need to pursue the education, obtain the employment and develop the life skills necessary for self-sufficiency.
ACHIEVEability develops housing for our families from abandoned homes and vacant lots that are located close to the services and resources needed by the families. Our housing development activities not only help the families we serve, but also help the neighborhoods where the homes are located. We replace run-down and vacant houses with new homes to create a healthier and more vibrant environment for the community.
ACHIEVEability has developed 210 homes, mostly in West Philadelphia. We have also developed six offices in West Philadelphia. One office includes a computer center and a community office, through which we serve as the designated Neighborhood Advisory Committee for the City of Philadelphia.
ACHIEVEability currently manages 152 homes for families in the Family Self-Sufficiency Program. ACHIEVEability has sold 42 homes, many to successful graduates of the program, helping them to make the complete transition from homelessness to homeownership. In addition, ACHIEVEability has developed several housing units for ActionAIDS in North Philadelphia.