A Ranger IBX Comments

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This is A Ranger's IBX Comments

Hi Stan,

I've organized for myself the criteria on which the Univ of Wisconsin Population Institute study was done, so that I could better understand what specific health related issues they were looking at. Philadelphia has a large African American population. On average, African Americans are significantly affected by most social ills above ALL other ethnic races. The STD/STI rate alone among AA Philadelphians is astounding.

Whatever path you take to earn the proposal money, it must be specifically targeted and you will probably need at least 4 core people to oversee the 4 health factors: health behaviors,clinical care, social & economical factors, and physical environmental factors. These are the 4 areas that the study looked at and were judged on. Maybe consider working on one aspect out of these factors instead of all. Another option is to pick one area that Philadelphia scored poorly in such as physical environment and focus on all those issues in that one category. Hopefully, the rules will allow this (I didn't read them). I think the key is not just to do something worthwhile, but to have a lasting and statistically significant impact. It's all data and numbers and very boring from this aspect, but in real life where people's mental and physical health are affected, it is a tragedy not just for our city, but us as the United States.

Once you have your core people, you may want to divide up the IBX questions and break them down according to what questions directly address the study's criteria with the exception of someone or some persons who are skilled at financial measurements and projections, so that IBX can see the financial bottom line. They are not going to give 50K to people who want to buy condoms and give them out to schools or organize a 5K run for cancer awareness, treatment, etc. They will be looking at what they have not already seen and the solutions YOU propose- backed and supported by your own data projections for how your idea will essentially sustain itself with their minimal monetary support.

Concerning IA, consider using the IBX criteria and Univ. of Wisconsin data help form your ideas on where critical needs are for the city. It helps to know where help is needed most and what kind of help is needed. You can let this information guide IA or be an offshoot of IA.

Enjoy the rest of your day!