Broad Street Ministry
We Practice Radical Hospitality
We transform our city, our institutions, and ourselves when we embrace the individual needs of our most vulnerable sisters and brothers.
Every person will be seen, recognized and restored. We will all be well fed in every aspect of life, and we will be made whole – even for just a few pure and powerful moments. The simplest acts of kindness can soothe the afflicted and transform the fortunate.
There is always a seat at our table; there is enough for everyone. To those who have more than they need, we invite partnership and contribution. For those who are turned away elsewhere, our doors are wide and welcoming. In fact, our doors are open to all of our neighbors. On those who live in the shadows of solitude, we shower the sunlight of community. And to you, we extend an invitation to join us at our tables and help turn on the light.
Note: The above descriptive information came from the organization's Our Mission page.
In The News
- Penn law and engineering students built these accessible tech projects for Philly nonprofits, Philly, July 31, 2020.
- Mail for the homeless: A local lifeline for people off the grid, Philly dot com, April 15, 2019.
- Interlude from tedium, toll of homelessness awaits at Broad Street Ministry dance class, Newsworks, May 12, 2017.
- Email Newsletter: Newsletter Signup
- Facebook: @BroadStreetMinistry
- Instagram: @broadstreetmin
- Volunteer: Welcome to Broad Street Ministry's Volunteer Page!
- Does-Hunger Relief (14)
- Does-Newsletter Via Email (131)
- Does-Volunteer Placement (13)
- Is-Church (86)
- Is-Hunger Relief Organization (11)
- Is-Member Of-Philadelphia Assembled (13)
- Is-Member Of-Philadelphia Reentry Coalition (35)
- Is-Social Service (150)
- Is-Soup Kitchen (5)
- Issue-HIV AIDS (21)
- Issue-Health (115)
- Issue-Homelessness (49)
- Using-Volunteers (369)