Byrne Community Center

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Byrne Community Center front entrance.

Building a Stronger Community One Child at a Time

The state of the art Byrne Community Center, which was paid for by a combination of grants, bonds, and a $1 million donation from the Byrne Fund for Wildwood, Inc., a special program instituted by the J. Byrne Insurance Agency to benefit local residents, opened in mid October of 2008. The new community center replaced the aging Wildwood Rec. on East Rio Grand Avenue, which was no more than a small gym with a concrete floor. The Byrne Community Center features a basketball court, fitness room, computer lab, meeting room, dance hall, kitchen facilities, and will have after school programs for local students as well as social and exercise programs for seniors, a use which the old Rec. could never accommodate properly. The center is located on the south side of Maxwell Field, 401 W. Youngs Avenue.

Note:  The above descriptive information came from the place's About Us page.
