Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC)

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Connecting People, Places, and Prosperity in Greater Philadelphia

The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission is the federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Greater Philadelphia region, established by an Interstate Compact between the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of New Jersey. Members include Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties, plus the City of Chester, in Pennsylvania; and Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, and Mercer counties, plus the cities of Camden and Trenton, in New Jersey.

DVRPC serves strictly as an advisory agency. Any planning or design concepts as prepared by DVRPC are conceptual and may require engineering design and feasibility analysis. Actual authority for carrying out any planning proposals rest solely with the governing bodies of the states, local governments or authorities that have the primary responsibility to own, manage or maintain any transportation facility.

Note:  The above descriptive information came from the organization's About DVRPC page.
