Disposing of electronics
Disposing of electronics is regulated by the "Covered Devices Recycling Act", adopted by the Pennsylvania legislature in 2010, which bans televisions, computers and computer-related devices from being thrown out with other solid waste. The law began to take effect on January 23, 2011, and largely requires manufacturers to arrange to take back electronics they sell in Pennsylvania. The manufacturers must pay a yearly $5,000 fee and take electronics back.
The advocacy organization Pennsylvania Resource Council said this in an action alert:
As the Covered Device Recycling Act of 2010 (Act 108) heads into its third full year of implementation, it has become apparent that the law has several big limitations. PRC has been able to work with legislators and regulators to allow residents to recycle their televisions and monitors for a fee at all Hard to Recycle Collection Events beginning May 14th, 2016. However, this is a stop-gap solution and we are continuing to work to find a more permanent solution. ...
Since 2013, PA’s Covered Device Recycling Act has made it illegal for every Pennsylvanian to send a TV to a landfill, yet only 25% of residents currently have access to free recycling of their televisions.
- Bill: Act 108 of 2010 (pdf)
See Also
- Donate a computer
- A Dozen Things to Know About the Covered Device Recycling Act, Pennsylvania Resource Council, updated April 2016.