Fisher Fine Arts Library
The Fisher Fine Arts Library collects materials to support research in art and architecture, the decorative arts, photography, historic preservation, city planning, and urban design. The entire history of art is represented, from antiquity to the present. Fisher collects items in most languages and, in principle, no language is excluded. Monographs, exhibition catalogs, journals, facsimiles, reference materials, ephemeral materials, and microforms are all of interest. The Fisher acquires electronic resources, including image databases, electronic journals, indexes, and other reference works. Videos and other media materials are purchased but the majority of the Penn Libraries media collections are in Van Pelt.
About half of the Fisher Fine Arts Library's general collection does not circulate and falls into a number of categories: the Core Collection located in the Reading Room alcoves, the general non-circulating collection inter-filed with the general circulating collection, the permanent reserves collection located behind the circulation desk, and our reference collection in the computing corridor area. All non-circulating books are indicated as such on the back inside covers.
LIBRA, Penn Libraries' high-density offsite storage facility, holds a significant portion of the Fisher Fine Arts Library collection and like all other Fisher collections, can be searched in Franklin.
Note: The above descriptive information came from the library's collections page.
In The News
- Fisher Fine Arts Library Gives Hidden City Daily Eternal Life, Hidden City Philadelphia, August 21, 2018.
- Facebook: FisherFineArtsLibrary