HELPING The Homeless Backpacks
Donating to Those in Need
H.E.L.P.I.N.G The Homeless Backpacks are backpack kits filled with essential items for those experiencing homelessness. Inside the bag, it includes necessities and other valuable items which the homeless community is lacking. The waterproof blanket will keep them warm at night and keep their belongings dry in the rain, the toiletries and clothes will restock the necessities they need on a daily basis, and the physical backpack allows them to carry their things. Although this backpack isn’t going to solve the entire problem of homelessness, it’s definitely an item that’s going to make their lives more comfortable and secure.
H.E.L.P.I.N.G. The Homeless Backpacks is constantly improving and expanding our offerings based on how we can best serve the homeless population. Get in touch with us today to learn how you can help the homeless population along our side.
Note: The above descriptive information came from the organization's home page.
In The News
- Springside student creates non-profit to help homeless, Chestnut Hill Local, November 5, 2020.
- Instagram: helpingthehomelessbackpacks