La Puerta Abierta - The Open Door
Mental Health Care For Latino Immigrant Youth & Families
La Puerta Abierta (formerly Intercultural Coalition for Family Wellness) provides clinical resources, training and mentorship to an evolving network of individuals and programs who are committed to the emotional well-being of the most vulnerable youth and families in the Latino immigrant and refugee community. Its U.S.-based programming works to eliminate barriers to mental health care for the Latino immigrant community by building the capacity of competent, bilingual clinical providers through training and supervision of interns and volunteers, as well as through community education forums and service learning.
One key feature of La Puerta Abierta’s programming has been the development and implementation of a counseling service program model that minimizes the amount of bureaucracy that typically constrains the delivery of quality mental health care to immigrant youth and families who cannot access services elsewhere due to language, economic, legal and social barriers.
In The News
See Also
- Does-Capacity Building (18)
- Does-Counseling (39)
- Does-Information and Referral (85)
- Does-Mental Health (17)
- Does-Mentoring (49)
- Is-Advocacy Organization (500)
- Is-Nonprofit Organization (793)
- Is-Social Service (150)
- Issue-Mental Health (47)
- Issue-Social Service (66)
- Issue-Youth Development (72)
- Serves-Children With Disabilities (19)
- Serves-Children and Families (50)
- Serves-Children and Youth (88)
- Serves-Hispanics (21)
- Serves-Immigrants (18)
- Serves-Latinos (22)
- Serves-Mentally Disabled Adults (10)
- Serves-Puerto Ricans (8)
- Serves-Refugees (8)