One Art Community Center

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Scene from the One Art Community Center's Healing Garden Party, 2017.

It is our mission to inspire people to creatively heal and express themselves through the varied forms of art. Some of the art forms Musical Arts, Visual Arts, Holistic Arts, Culinary Arts, Martial Arts, Cultural Arts, Literary Arts, Performing Arts as well as the Art of Gardening and Sustainable Design. We do this by providing authentic, real life experiences that teach the 21st century skills of communication, literacy, leadership, and problem solving through technology and the arts.

The sacred space that is now known as One Art was founded in 2001 by Benjamin Dyett Reid, it was then called Wall Street International. He had a big vision for a place, for everyone, for family, for all to enjoy (In Joy)! In 2005 Benjamin’s life was taken ... his dream lives on as the seed he planted had taken root in a sidewalk crack in the concrete jungle. The seed was watered and nurtured by SunLight and Love. It grew and grew to become, to blossom to bloom into One Art Community Center.

Note:  The above descriptive information came from the organization's About Us page.


See Also