Paul Yabor (RIP)
Paul was an HIV/AIDSactivist and researcher. He used Facebook to organize people around a variety of interrelated activities and causes.
The following links to groups on Facebook require that you have a Facebook account and log in to see the pages.
HIV/HCV Testers and Prevention Workers Forum!/groups/HIVtesters/
This is a forum for HIV, HCV and STD testers and front line prevention workers.Please post your comments, insights job opportunities and educational information.
ACT UP National Alliance!/groups/ACTUPNational/
The ACT UP National Alliance is a platform for ACT UP Activists and those wishing the support and dialogue of ACT UP mem...bers / chapters . to network on there local campaigns and to network on national issues.It is also hoped that it may be a incubator to develop future ACT UP Chapters.
One Rule, Don't no Evil.
Philadelphia Drug Users Union!/groups/phillydrugusersunion/
This is a diversified group of individuals who are an eclectic mix of : Activists, Harm Reductionist, Public Health Prof...essionals,Drug Users,People in Recovery and Public Servants dedicated to eradicating the negative impact of drugs on our society.
This group was created in response to a need that came to light at the 2011 drug policy ReForm conference (#ReformConf),
sponsored by the Drug Policy Alliance. Drug users have not been well represented in policy decisions that involve them, or even at conferences that purport to represent them. We are the experts on many different issues related to drug consumption and we must collaborate to make sure that we are represented on EVERY PANEL at upcoming conferences, including, but not limited to, the Harm Reduction Coalition conference and the International Harm Reduction Association conference. We also need to put our heads together to discuss the stigmatizing language that continues to be used even by professionals that consider themselves to be harm reductionists and by drug users as well. Calling those who abstain from drugs "clean", and those who partake of drugs "dirty" only drives a public view that drug users are fearsome public nuisances who cannot be trusted and who cannot lead responsible lives. On the contrary, history is full of countless examples of active drug users who contributed greatly to the arts and sciences. Let this be a forum for sharing strategy ideas nationally and internationally toward ending the failed War on Drugs and working toward Safe Humane Drug Policies.
Links to Facebook Groups!/groups/joyol/!/groups/ACTUPInternational/!/groups/fightadvisoryboard/!/groups/31471354813/!/groups/552465981432285/!/groups/286374798096413/!/groups/palocalcivics/!/groups/115970891869082/!/groups/293992613994607/