Right-Sized Homes
Right-Sized Homes also uses the phrases "Right-Sized Places" and "Smarter, Sustainable Neighborhoods". It gives the following descriptive information:
Right-Sized Homes is a creator of sustainable homes and commercial spaces by building efficient and flexible spaces, capable of adapting over time. Right-Sized Homes stresses building smarter, not bigger, to meet clients’ needs. Smarter use of sites and building siting, concentration on rehabilitation and infill development, and re-visioning spaces for multiple uses are qualities that they bring to projects to increase efficiency and affordability of buildings.
Our philosophy towards sustainability aims to improve the quality of life in existing urban neighborhoods. Smarter, sustainable neighborhoods maintain neighborhood stability, and we work to fill in gaps and remove blight from neighborhoods in risk of decline. Sustainable neighborhoods also enhance earth-friendly lifestyles through the use of existing infrastructure, the promotion of walkability, and access to open spaces, schools, and parks.
Neighborhood sustainability is multifaceted and requires a dynamic approach of both the macro and micro level implementation. The Right-Sized Approach is two-pronged, on both the scale of individual home development and neighborhood-wide planning.
Right-Sized Homes focuses on the level of individual property development. Right-Sized Homes meet the needs of their occupants and the context of their neighborhood, while promoting energy efficiency, adaptability, and affordability.
Right-Sized Places works with partners on the neighborhood level. Right-Sized Places ensures smart, thoughtful intervention in existing communities to promote the quality of life and overall stability.