Saint Martha Parish

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Members of Saint Martha Parish celebrate the church's 50th anniversary in 2016.

We, the family of Saint Martha Parish, in order to live richly in our Catholic heritage and Parish traditions, through the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the example of Saint Martha’s hospitality, devote our mind, body and spirit to:

Pray to God, through the most exalted mystery, the celebration of the Eucharist and recognize in this Union with Christ the Sacrifice, Sacrament and Real Presence;

Foster a home where Christianity is welcomed as the focal point, which will allow us to continue to grow as selfless, humble Catholic individuals and integral, involved members of our Parish and community;

Proclaim the Good News, as did our Patron, Saint Martha, by expressing our commitment to our faith as shown in our actions, spoken in our words, and reflected in our thoughts.

Serve, with humility, the spiritual and physical needs of all God’s people, born and unborn, by practicing our faith, both inwardly and outwardly, to ensure and strengthen our Catholic future.

We join in communal and individual prayer to God, with Mary, our Mother, and with the help and strength of our parish patron, Saint Martha, so that we may, like her, carry the Gospel Message and profess our belief in Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God.

Note:  The above descriptive information came from the organization's Mission Statement page.

In The News
