Alicia Elizabeth Dorsey
Family/Community Advocate exploring issues & concerns in society, w/ focus on African American culture. Documenting with video and photography the stories of Philadelphians. I started as a home and school mom and learned about resources allocated to each of us. This was during the crack era, we were losing resources and our community felt as if we didn't have a voice.
Social Justice Stop The Violence Data Mapping Initiative, working to fill various gaps in our communities by hosting a social justice stop the violence data mapping initiative. empowering our communities with story telling via data mapping and video productions on various platforms. gun violence rise due to the shutdown and the rise of targeted hate has made this initiative urgent in adding our voices and images to the algorithms creating policy governing us without us being at the table. care and exposure is key, creativity sparks imagination so im exposing fun open source computer science platforms exploring who we are and who we would like to be, along with promoting being focused and serious in our developments aka transformations of the 21st century. self care with resources in mental health and mentoring is mandatory for participation with a focus on peer to peer mentoring. June 19th, will be showing Coded Bias a documentary showing the experimental, data manipulated world we live in. Category: