Overbrook is a West Philadelphia area that includes Morris Park, Overbrook Farms, Overbrook Park, and the specific neighborhood called Overbrook. It is bounded on the east by North 54th Street, on the south by Lansdowne Avenue. On the south it includes Haddington Woods, and it is bounded on the northwest by City Avenue.
Wikipedia describes the Overbook area this way:
The name Overbrook is commonly used to refer both to a specific neighborhood and a larger area of northwestern West Philadelphia that includes four Philadelphia City Planning Commission neighborhoods: Overbrook, Overbrook Farms, Morris Park and Overbrook Park. These four neighborhoods are united by the close proximity of Overbrook High School, the Overbrook School for the Blind, the Overbrook SEPTA Station, and Overbrook Avenue.
Adjoining Neighborhoods
Overbrook is adjoined on the northeast by Wynnefield. It overlaps Hestonville on the east. It is adjoined on the southeast by West Parkside, on the south by Carroll Park and Melbourne, Pennsylvania, on the southwest by Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, and on the northwest by Wynnewood, Pennsylvania.
Pages in category "Where-Overbrook"
The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total.