People's Emergency Center (Is-Past)

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This page will no longer be updated because the PEC has merged and become HopePHL. The following information is history:

Nurturing Families, Strengthening Neighborhoods, Driving Change

The People’s Emergency Center’s mission is to nurture families, strengthen neighborhoods and drive change in West Philadelphia. PEC offers affordable housing, job training, parenting and early childhood education, financial education and planning, life skills and technology coursework. PEC seeks to change the life trajectory for the women and children who seek its services and inspire them to aspire to new heights.

The PEC community development corporation programs respond to community needs and build on neighborhood assets to help bridge the digital divide, expand mixed-income housing opportunities, stimulate economic growth, create wealth, and improve the quality of life for all West Philadelphia residents.

Note:  The above description came from the organization's home page.

In The News


See Also