Philly NetSquared
Philly Netsquared gives the following descriptive information:
Philadelphia NetSquared gathers together nonprofits and activists, tech leaders and funders, and everyone who’s interested in using technology for social change.
- Nonprofit staffers will find a friendly, welcoming atmosphere for those not experienced with technology, and many chances to ask questions of tech-experienced nonprofits and experts.
- Technologists will find opportunities to put their expertise to social good, as well as the potential for lasting relationships (be they paid or volunteer) with leading organizations in our community.
- Activists and community leaders will see and be given the chance to present on successful uses of technology for social change. Not content to simply focus on “shiny tech,” we’ll explore what the true potential for social change is in each case, where community organizing work can be made more effective, and where it will have to push technology forward.
Net Tuesday
Philly NetSquared invites you to join us at our monthly "Net Tuesday" meetups, as we bring together web innovators and social changemakers to socialize, strategize, learn from and inspire one another.
Philly Net Tuesdays happen on the first week of each month.
Be a Net Tuesday presenter
We are always looking for people to share their stories about using technology for social change — promote your organization, talk about the innovative work you’re doing, and inspire others to follow your lead! Contact us if you have a story to tell.
- Twitter: @phlnet2
- Website:
See Also
- Editor's Note: The site showed absolutely nothing when retrieved on December 15, 2016, which is why the URL is not at the top of this page. ~Paul