Note: To communicate with me right now, here's my Talk page.
In August 2015 I signed on as staff editor of Wikidelphia. This wide-scope Philadelphia website was in need of someone to pay attention to it long-term and help expand the site more than its busy progenitor Stan could do by himself.
Wikidelphia is one among several information collections efforts I've undertaken:
In late 2018, I decided to expand my World's Fairs bookmarks from a short list to a whole page. It didn't stop there. Once I caught the World's Fair bug, I kept adding and adding until the site grew to more than 30 pages containing what may be more than 10,000 links covering expositions from the Great Exhibition of 1851 until the present day.
In the first decade of this century, I started and have been gradually expanding another reference source. It's called Study Love, and it's a place to learn about or meditate upon spiritual love (agape). The site is large, detailed, well-organized, and stunningly fast-loading.
Slowly I'm also building a personal glossary of linguistics that I share publicly. In a more specialized vein, in 2009, I started slowly adding the Stratificational Grammar collection of terms to Glottopedia, getting advice from the father of that grammar, Sydney Lamb.
From 2007 to 2014, I held the "chief clerk" job (doing website maintenance, flier creation, operations reports, and various other clerical tasks) at Nonprofit Technology Resources (NTR), which was what I would liken to a Goodwill for computers.
- Stan
- Jon Paul Sank's World's Fairs Page
- Study Love
- Glossary: Sank's Glossary of Linguistics
- Glossary: Stratificational Grammar
- Linguistics: Glottopedia
- Sydney Lamb: Sydney Lamb
- NTR: Nonprofit Technology Resources