Yes And Philly
Yes, and ... Philly! introduces itself thusly, "Yes and ..., a monthly-ish gathering in the Philadelphia area, brings people together for conversations
, connections and ...", and gives the following descriptive information:
Hi and Welcome! We are Bruce Waltuck, Cathy Reynolds & Amanda Lyons and we hope this digital space continues to evolve (perhaps even with input from you, too!)…. As co-organizers, our Swiss cheese goal*, if you will, is to create space for all kinds of things to happen…. We aim to hold the space to build a community of co-learners, where we learn from one another at each gathering. We hope you will co-create what happens. Perhaps collaborators will explore common interests and help solve emerging problems within those interests. Perhaps the opportunity to dive deeper and wider into our own networks will create amazing curiosities that we’re inspired to follow.
We’re learners, practitioners, facilitators, teachers, and more. We’ve experienced the satisfaction of things working out the way we intended, and the disappointment or frustration when they don’t. We’ve experienced the great energy when people can let go of the behaviors that block collaboration and creativity, and the struggle when they can’t. We believe that there are ways such as Liberating Structures and others, that transform our everyday patterns of relating and working together, and enable the innovation and better outcomes that everyone wants. Yes, and. . . Philly is a group of people. . . like you.
Themes, Structures, Which We Hope Pique Your Curiosity!
Liberating Structures (LS) are frameworks people can use when facilitating group work of all kinds. They have been developed, tested and come from those who have studied and practiced complexity science for some time. They have been developed under a Creative Commons license and anyone can use them. They are all on the Liberating Structures website for people to see, as well as lots of user groups, and other relevant information. There is also a book for anyone wanting to hold something in their hands.
Visual Thinking (VT) whoa, where to begin. Most of us do this in some form or another every day, yet it is something that often gets overlooked. Let’s put some intention into learning more about how focusing on visuals can help us better connect to content and each other!
See Also
- About-Facilitation (15)
- About-Liberating Structures (2)
- Does-Facilitation (29)
- Does-Idea Sharing (45)
- Frequency-Bimonthly (3)
- Is-Advocacy Organization (498)
- Is-Discussion Forum (34)
- Is-Recurring Event (110)
- Is-User Group (29)
- Issue-Collaboration (77)
- Issue-Conversation (42)
- Issue-Facilitation (63)
- Issue-Information Advocacy (29)
- Issue-Liberating Structures (5)
- Issue-People Helping People (37)
- Issue-Social Change (114)
- Issue-Sustainability (104)
- Teaches-Facilitation (22)
- Using-Volunteers (366)