Green Jobs Philly (Is-Past)
No Current URL
In October 2024 we sought to update this page and found a note, "Website Out of Service". Therefore, unless we hear otherwise, we assume that the following information is history:
Old URL:
Green Jobs Philly gives the following descriptive information: makes it easy for Philadelphians to offer and request GREEN JOBS, green GRANTS and green LOANS. Our job is to help you connect with the people, money, raw materials and know-how you’ll need. Together we’ll make life here easier and safer, lowering the costs of heating and eating, while employing everyone.
There are hundreds of categories of green work: energy efficiency, solar power, trollies, urban agriculture, recycling, water conservation, bicycling, repair, sales and marketing, barter, healing, eco-development and finance.
What are benefits of Green Jobs?
- lower the costs of living
- fight crime (jobs not jails)
- clean the air and water
- expand neighborhood control
- create urban beauty
- make learning exciting
- make life easier
See Also
- About-Jobs (26)
- Does-Employment Listings (43)
- Is-Advocacy Organization (498)
- Is-Past (176)
- Is-Reference Source (80)
- Is-Resource Page (174)
- Is-Social Media (30)
- Is-Web Portal (69)
- Issue-Clean Air (8)
- Issue-Clean Water (15)
- Issue-Climate Change (35)
- Issue-Economic Development (82)
- Issue-Environment (123)
- Issue-Jobs (44)
- Issue-Solar Energy (15)
- Issue-Water (26)
- Issue-Water Conservation (9)
- Issue-Workforce Development (40)