Yvonne's Wednesday Group
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Participants 2/26/20
- Yvonne Hughes
- Grace Muable – Bethel Mission Coordinator - godishope1@gmail.com – looking for help to connect the church to the community
- Christina Johnson – chrissydorph@yahoo.com – 267-349-1042 – Help to build a better community
- Carmen Gist – Temple Presbyterian Church – 267-968-6348 – I am here to find out about resources from the people I meet with & take the info back to the church.
- Brenda L. Tucker-Boykins – phltucker2@ad.com ??? – Why am I here? I am a member of Bethel Church and I am interested in what is going on in our community. And how Bethel can be a part of that.
- Richard Napper – It's Not Your Fault 215-9083616 richard.napper74@gmail.com cause I like helping people
- Denise Jackson – It's Not Your Fault Nonprofit Organization – dm19121@yahoo.com – I am here because I desire to be proactive in my community - encouraging people to improve neighborhood through education resource referails awareness of needs, and benefits.
- Ronald Clark – Marketing Representative, Patriot Home Care – rclark@patroit-hc.com – 484-587-5426 – Connecting our services with the communities.
Possible Items
- Music Around The World
- New York Foundation for Senior Citizens, ”Home Sharing Program,"
- HomeSharing Inc
- Homesharing Video (8 Minutes)
- Category:Issue-Collaboration
- Margaret Heffernan: Forget the superchicken pecking order
- Invisible People
- Category:Issue-Shared Housing
- Crowdhelping Bibliography (included google search and link to #crowdhelping on Twitter)
- Paul Hawken – Blessed Unrest
- Shirley J Carter Media Productions and Consulting LLC
Let's Gather Ideas!!!
If we are going to try to help match people seeking with people offering home sharing:
- What do we need to know about a person seeking a home sharing opportunity?
- What do we need to know about a person interested in sharing their home?
- How could we share the information about people's offers and needs with each other in confidence, knowing that this information may be sensitive?