Category:Is-Membership Organization
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Pages in category "Is-Membership Organization"
The following 197 pages are in this category, out of 197 total.
- African-American Chamber of Commerce of PA NJ and DE (AACC)
- Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)
- American Heritage Credit Union (AHCU)
- Ancient Order of Hibernians Division 39 (AOH39)
- Aramingo Business Association (ABA)
- Asian American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Philadelphia (AACCGP)
- Association of Fundraising Professionals Greater Philadelphia Chapter (AFP-GPC)
- The Awesome Foundation - Philadelphia
- Bartram's Garden
- Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southeastern Pennsylvania
- Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia
- Black Data Processing Associates (BDPA Philadelphia)
- Black Male Community Council of Philadelphia (BMCCP)
- Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia
- Building Industry Association of Philadelphia (BIA)
- Callowhill Neighborhood Association (CNA)
- Cannstatter Volksfest Verein German American Club
- Cedar Park Neighbors (CPN)
- Center City Freecycle
- Center City Residents' Association
- Central Roxborough Civic Association (CRCA)
- Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia
- Chestnut Hill Community Association (CHCA)
- Chew and Belfield Neighbors Club (CBNC)
- Circular Philadelphia
- The College of Physicians of Philadelphia
- Commodore John Barry Arts and Cultural Center
- Conscious Capitalism
- Conscious Capitalism Philadelphia
- Consortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine
- Fabulous Shoe Night
- Fair Food (now closed)
- Fairmount Civic Association (FCA)
- Farmworker Support Committee (CATA)
- Federated King's Daughters, Eastern Region (Is-Past)
- Fellowship of Black Male Educators (Is-Past)
- Fitler Club
- Fox Chase Homeowners Association (FCHA)
- Fractured Atlas
- Frankford-Northeast Philadelphia Rotary Club
- The Franklin Inn Club
- The Franklin Institute
- Friends of Fox Chase Farm
- Friends of the Wanamaker Organ
- Friends of the Wissahickon (FOW)
- Garden Court Community Association (GCCA)
- German Society of Pennsylvania
- Germantown Life Enrichment Center (GLEC)
- Global Philadelphia Association (GPA)
- Global Youth United
- Greater Northeast Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce (GNPCC)
- Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance
- Greater Philadelphia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (GPHCC)
- Greater Philadelphia YMCA
- Pen and Pencil Club
- Penn's Village
- Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations (PANO)
- Pennsylvania Diversity Council
- Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS)
- Pennsylvanians for Transportation Solutions (PenTrans)
- Philadelphia Alliance for Capital and Technologies (PACT)
- Philadelphia Area Computer Society (PACS)
- Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries (PACSCL)
- Philadelphia Area Cooperative Alliance (PACA)
- Philadelphia area Linux User Group (PLUG)
- Philadelphia Area New Media Association (PANMA)
- Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists
- Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations (PACDC)
- Philadelphia Bar Association
- Philadelphia Beekeepers Guild
- Philadelphia Clef Club of Jazz and Performing Arts (PCC)
- Philadelphia Coalition for Victim Advocacy (PCVA)
- Philadelphia College Prep Roundtable (PCPR)
- Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau
- Philadelphia Council of Clergy
- Philadelphia Crosstown Coalition
- Philadelphia Federation of Teachers (PFT)
- Philadelphia Film Society (PFS)
- Philadelphia Firefighters And Paramedics Union Local 22
- Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No. 5
- Philadelphia Game Lab
- Philadelphia Higher Education Network for Neighborhood Development (PHENND)
- Philadelphia Home and School Council (PHSC)
- Philadelphia NAACP
- Philadelphia Photo Arts Center (PPAC)
- Philadelphia Science Fiction Society
- Philadelphia Senate on Aging
- Philadelphia Sketch Club
- Philadelphia Society
- Philadelphia Society for the Preservation of Landmarks
- Philadelphia Society of Free Letts
- Philadelphia Stories Magazine
- Philadelphia Student Union
- Philadelphia Theater
- Philadelphia Writing Circles (Is-Past)
- Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia
- Philly Art Collective
- Philly FreeCycle
- Philly Music Hall
- Philly Startup Leaders
- Philly Student Union
- Philly Transit Riders Union
- PhillyCAM
- PlayArts
- POWER - Interfaith Coalition
- Put People First! PA
- Salvation Army Kroc Center
- Shop Philly 1st
- Socent Philly (Defunct)
- Social Media Club
- Social Media Club of Philadelphia
- Somerton Civic Association
- Sons and Daughters of Italy Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania
- South Philly Food Co-op
- Spring Garden Civic Association (SGCA)
- Supportive Older Women's Network (SOWN)